A recent poll showed that more people would vote for the Tea Party than the GOP or DNC. The tea party movement is clearly expanding, even though the MSM is still not recognizing it. That is ok, we can do without them. My question is, will the Tea Party emerge as a Third Party, will it integrate into the GOP or will the GOP let the Tea Party be the driving force and accept the principles of patriots, which really is just a comeback of the old GOP. As of now I believe the GOP is not getting it yet. I see here in my own area there is still so much politics as usual. You endorse me, I endorse you. I have been very disappointed in some of the recent endorsements given to candidates solely by political pressures by either the party or some high paying or high ranking individual. This has to stop if we want to stop corruption and payoff.
Now that Congress once again has shown that they refuse to listen to the people of this country, I think the tea party movement will become even stronger as we start the new year.
Having been involved with the Independence Caucus, http://www.icaucus.ning.com/ an organization that vetts conservative candidates. Afer they pass their vetting questions and interviews, they receive the endorsement from Icaucus. Volunteers will then help with the candidates' campaign. I have found several such worthy candidates running for state or federal office.
In my new blogs for 2010 I will periodically write about these candidates, so they get a little more exposure, and hope that my readers will find a way to help support them.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Lawmaker testifies before House Transportation Committee to streamline bus reporting requirements
Michigan students will be safer on buses and schools will pay an estimated $600,000 less statewide through reforms approved today by the House Transportation Committee.
State Rep. Gail Haines today testified before the committee on her legislation to protect school children on buses and cut government red-tape costs.
"Nothing is more important than the safety of students, and this win-win legislation improves safety at a lower cost," said Haines, R-Waterford. "I'm hopeful for a quick passage by the full House to allow school districts to save money for drivers and school districts by streamlining safety training, and help bus drivers meet federal safety standards."
Haines' legislation, House Bill 5363, was introduced in September to:
• Streamline the requirements for our state's school bus drivers' safety education courses to ensure that bus drivers are not taking overlapping training courses at an added expense to drivers and/or school districts;
• Improve the requirement for medical exams to align them with federal standards; from requiring annual exams to requiring bi-annual exams for bus drivers unless there is a known health issue, again saving money for both drivers and districts; and
• Set a health safety standard for drivers with known illnesses, such as diabetes.
"As schools are faced with budget dilemmas, the safety of the children must remain a top priority," Haines said. "This is simply common-sense, money-saving legislation to cut red tape and bureaucracy in government while keeping our kids safe."
HB 5363, which was unanimously approved by the committee, now heads to the full House for consideration.
Michigan students will be safer on buses and schools will pay an estimated $600,000 less statewide through reforms approved today by the House Transportation Committee.
Haines' legislation, House Bill 5363, was introduced in September to:
• Streamline the requirements for our state's school bus drivers' safety education courses to ensure that bus drivers are not taking overlapping training courses at an added expense to drivers and/or school districts;
• Improve the requirement for medical exams to align them with federal standards; from requiring annual exams to requiring bi-annual exams for bus drivers unless there is a known health issue, again saving money for both drivers and districts; and
• Set a health safety standard for drivers with known illnesses, such as diabetes.
"As schools are faced with budget dilemmas, the safety of the children must remain a top priority," Haines said. "This is simply common-sense, money-saving legislation to cut red tape and bureaucracy in government while keeping our kids safe."
HB 5363, which was unanimously approved by the committee, now heads to the full House for consideration.
So, he squeezed out 1.3 Million for the Transit Center, which is to be located on the Troy/Birmigham boundaries. The project will cost many more millions. Where is that money coming from? In the form of new revenues (spelled taxes) such as millages and property taxes to community residents? Everyone just seems so happy Peters got this through, and I can see city officials now endorsing Peters. Our roads and infastructure are in dire need of repair. We have county roads that are still gravel and dirt, I live on one, it's not pleasant. This is what government is for and we are now building a transit system, I forgot, tell me again why we are doing this. Is it for the Green jobs? Is it to bring Detroit residents to the suburbs to work?
Read the article here:
Gary Peters needs to go, the sooner the better and we have to elect a conservative candidate that understands the people of Oakland County, that WANTS to WORK for US, and not the special interest groups that Peters works for.
Read the article here:
Gary Peters needs to go, the sooner the better and we have to elect a conservative candidate that understands the people of Oakland County, that WANTS to WORK for US, and not the special interest groups that Peters works for.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Troy Volunteer Brings Food & Friendship to Seniors
“He’s a ‘mega volunteer,’“ says Emerald Food Services Vice PresidentOperation Steve Haveraneck, in describing Jim Forrer and the work he does inthe community and for Meals on Wheels.You can find volunteer Forrer, a Troy resident and president of Media Marketing in Troy, preparing meals in Emerald Food Services' kitchen at theTroy Community Center every Thursday and then delivering the meals to local homebound older adults. Forrer, who has been in sales and marketing for 40 years, also stocks up on Lean Cuisine and KCF meals and spends his weekend personally delivering themto 10 or 15 local seniors who he knows would spend the weekend in hunger without his visit.“The experience of delivering home delivered meals to older adults over the past seven years has opened my eyes to how many seniors are truly suffering in our community, which is one of the richest counties in southeastern Michigan,”Forrer observes. “I visit seniors and people with disabilities every week who are sitting in dark rooms alone with little or nothing to eat and they are so grateful. If we all just do a little, we can truly make a difference.”One of Haveraneck’s and Forrer’s current goals is to get every politician in Lansing to make a Meals on Wheels run before they cut more money from the program. Cuts are slated for 15 percent this year and 25 percent next year.Haveraneck notes those cuts will that new people will not be added and some on the program may be cut.For the past two years Forrer has secured donations from companies and restaurants to provide a festiveThanksgiving celebration for residents at Clawson Manor, an independent living,affordable housing complex for people age 62 and older. This year, past sponsors were unable to contribute due to the economy and having to lay off their own employees. Instead the Knights of Columbus provided residents with a Thanksgiving meal and Forrer secured donations from family, friends and other local businesses and personally delivered food to local seniors who he knows are in need.Jim is also a member of the AAA 1-BAdvisory Council and a volunteer for CASA, the Salvation Army, and the RedCross.The Holiday Meals on Wheels(HMOW) program provides a warm,nutritious meal on the holidays to the most vulnerable individuals - homebound seniors who are no longer able to drive to the grocery store, have limited mobility, and are unable to cook their own meal. More than 37 percent of the program’s recipients are over age 84,and over 53 percent live alone.“These people are poor and lonely and it’s common that the only human contact they have in a day is with theMeals on Wheels volunteer,” Forrer points out knowingly.That visit often represents more than just food, but is a gift of friendship and compassion. “We have to care for our seniors,” Forrer stresses.Traditional government funding does not cover the cost of providing a home-delivered meal on holidays. TheArea Agency on Aging 1-B raises funds to provide Holiday Meals on Wheels onThanksgiving Day, Hanukkah, Christmas,New Year’s Day, Easter and Passover.The average cost of a holiday meal is$6.00. There are over a thousand seniors getting meals just through the programs Emerald Kitchens runs in 16 local communities!!!“The AAA 1-B relies on financial support from the public to fund these holiday deliveries and ensure that seniors do not spend these holidays hungry or alone,” said Abbate Marzolf, theAgency’s chief executive officer. “The volunteers spend time visiting with each of these seniors, sharing the spirit of the holiday season and delivering warmth,friendship and compassion.”If Gazette readers are interested in supporting Holiday Meals on Wheels by making a donation they can visit theArea Agency on Aging 1-B's website atwww.aaa1b.com, or call at (800) 852-7795. They can also call Emerald FoodService at 248-689-0001 to support meal delivery Monday through Friday.If Gazette readers are interested in volunteering, they can call Emerald FoodService at 248-689-0001. They need volunteers who will be there consistently,as our seniors are counting on them.
Let's all give Jim a big Thank You, and if you can spare some time or money, let's help our seniors. The government, both federal and local keep taking from them. Just think that could be you some day.
AAA 1b,
Helping Angels,
Jim Forrer,
Meals on Wheels,
Saturday, December 5, 2009

“With their votes, the grass roots said loud and clear they want a representative who works for them,” said Rocky. “I’m ready to go on a mission for the people of the 9th District.”
Rocky Raczkowski is a military veteran who served two combat tours in the Global War on Terror, business owner and former majority floor leader of the Michigan House of Representatives. For more information about Rocky, visit http://www.rockyworksforus.com/.
Rocky will also be featured at a congressional candidates forum to be held at the annual 9th District Christmas Party, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Friday, December 11, 2009. The event will be at the home of Bob and Jan Gosselin, 5773 Sussex, Troy, Michigan. For more information, contact info@rockyworksforus.com or RSVP to mi9thgop@gmail.
Rocky will also be featured at a congressional candidates forum to be held at the annual 9th District Christmas Party, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Friday, December 11, 2009. The event will be at the home of Bob and Jan Gosselin, 5773 Sussex, Troy, Michigan. For more information, contact info@rockyworksforus.com or RSVP to mi9thgop@gmail.
I just returned from the 9th GOP pancakes and politics. It was again surprising to me that Rick Snyder won the straw poll, and already he's announcing it all over Facebook. He certainly is a very smart businessman and I think economically he makes some sense. Having said that. Hoekstra, who won 3rd in the poll got my vote, not only for what he stands, i.e. fairtax, smaller government, right to work state etc, his presence demands some respect that I don't get from the other candidates. Here is a video of Hoekstra at the event:
From all the candidates for Sec of State, Michele McManus seems to be the most conservative, a real firecracker full of spunk and energy and she got my vote, too.
The candidates for congress did not get to talk today, but they made the rounds and Rocky Raczakowski won by a great margin, with Paul Welday in 2nd, and the 2 new ones following with very few votes.
The room was packed and it was exciting to see so much interest and energy.
From all the candidates for Sec of State, Michele McManus seems to be the most conservative, a real firecracker full of spunk and energy and she got my vote, too.
The candidates for congress did not get to talk today, but they made the rounds and Rocky Raczakowski won by a great margin, with Paul Welday in 2nd, and the 2 new ones following with very few votes.
The room was packed and it was exciting to see so much interest and energy.
gop breakfast,
Rocky for MI 9th District,
straw poll
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Meals delivered to the elderly and disabled also provide food for the soul
By Nancy Nall Derringer (Hour Detroit)

Not their own hunger, but that of others. The kind that threatens when you’re old, sick, or disabled and your life has dwindled to your four walls, and you look forward to the person who knocks every day and hands over your Meals on Wheels delivery — typically a hot tray of meat with two vegetables and a cold pack of a sandwich and a couple of sides for later. For many, it’s all they’ll eat in a day. And the person who hands it over may be the only other person they see.
With the holidays approaching, food is a special concern. This ordinary Wednesday meal, arranged and paid for by the Area Agency on Aging, 1-B, is one thing, but holidays are not covered, and require special fundraising. If the elderly and disabled people served by the agency are to have any holiday meal at all, it will have to be paid for outside the regular budget. But then, Meals on Wheels has a lot of off-the-books elements.
Take Jim Forrer. He’s a volunteer driver, one of dozens who buy their own gas and use their own vehicles to deliver Meals on Wheels. For three years, he’s been making the rounds, getting to know his clients. Many are people he describes as “orphans” — those for whom a long life has led them to a lonely place, that of last man standing. “Hiding in the dark corners are people who have been put away by their families who have been forgotten, who have simply fallen through the cracks,” he says. “They’ve outlived everyone, even their children.”
Some have difficulty caring for themselves, either because of decreased mobility, incipient dementia, or depression. One day, one of Forrer’s clients asked him if he smelled gas, and he offered to check the basement. The furnace seemed fine, he said, but maybe the water heater was the problem.
“Oh, that doesn’t work,” she said. For how long? he asked. Three years, she told him — three Michigan winters without hot water.
Forrer pulled some strings and got the appliance repaired. But it and all his other experiences taught him something: All is not well, even in the upmarket suburbs.
Forrer formed his own charity, Helping Angels. He wrangles food donations, calls in favors, begs restaurants for handouts (the Capital Grille has been a big supporter), hits drive-through windows at fast-food places, whatever works to help him get whatever he can for the aging, disabled, and poverty-stricken of Oakland County. He knows that if he didn’t come by on weekends, some of them would go hungry between Friday and Monday deliveries.
People like Forrer, “the people who go door-to door, are the ones who see the most,” says Sallie Justice, communications manager for the Area Agency on Aging, 1-B. The agency relies on the volunteers to tell them when a client has tipped into a zone where intervention is needed, although even that can be difficult.
“Most people don’t want to leave their homes,” Justice says.
That’s understandable, and so this group at the Troy Community Center — volunteers and employees of Emerald Food Service, which has the food-preparation contract — is set up to feed Oakland County’s poor, disabled, and elderly on this day. The cooks place steam-table trays on a table and put instant-read thermometers into them for a final check; the food must be 160 degrees both for safety and so that when the trays arrive, they’re still hot enough for a satisfying meal. Today’s menu is a barbecued pork riblet, potato wedge, and peas.
Starting the line is Kirk Morgan, the cook who oversaw its preparation.
It’s not much of a process: Fill three holes in a tray, send the tray through the sealer, and pack them into heated delivery bags. The food is prepared according to strict nutrition guidelines; that potato wedge may look like a McDonald’s hash brown, but it’s not deep-fried, and the riblet is boneless for a reason. Many of the people who get it lost the ability to gnaw meat from bones a long time ago.
The holidays are rapidly approaching, and the agency is again doing its fundraising for Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Day. Seven thousand people in their six-county territory will get these meals, which cost about $6. The need is great every year, but recent economic calamities are expected to add to the burden.
It’s hard to overemphasize how tenuous some of these old people’s lives are. When gas went up to $4 a gallon in the summer of 2008, many called the agency in a panic, fearful the economic pressure would cause volunteers to abandon their routes, and then how would they eat?
“We told them we’d get it there if we had to ride bicycles,” Forrer says. It hasn’t come to that, but the need is great just the same.
Donations may be made through the agency’s Web site: http://aaa1b.com/. Or givers can call the agency at 800-852-7795.
(I am honored to say that Jim is a family member and passionate about his charities) Way to go Jim.
Helping Angels,
Troy Can you hear us now
Thursday, November 19, 2009
My family and extended family personally know some of the Dalgleishes and we are all angry and in shock that Obama/Gettelfinger Motors decided to close this dealership as of this Friday, November 20, 2009. They received a cold letter to close their dealership, and received no further communication after trying to repeal this decision. Like many other dealerships in the country, they were profitable and there is no reason for them to close. Tim and Keith both told us their dealership didn't cost the government a dime. Here is a recent article on this. http://www.wwj.com/pages/5706563.php
obama motors
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Rep. Peters Statement On H.R. 3962
Congressman Gary Peters released the following statement today regarding his decision to support H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act:
"After thoroughly studying the bill and talking with thousands of Oakland County residents and medical professionals, it is clear we must act to lower health care costs for families, seniors and businesses. This plan's reform is market-based; expanding choice, competition and stability; makes our system more efficient and does not add to the deficit. AARP supports this bill because Medicare would be strengthened, closing the prescription drug donut hole and providing new preventative care at no cost for seniors.
Read more here: http://tinyurl.com/yzdwtno
The townhall he was referring to with 800 people was all rigged. I was there, his supporters all wore little stickers on their shirts indicating they wanted reform. There were 100s of them and there were let in through side doors before we could get in. The questions were staged, it got so bad, I couldn't stand it and had to leave. The thousands of business people he mentioned that he talked to, again, more lies. I know some of them that went to see him during the last rally in DC. They clearly presented their case that the current bill as is would not work and that they were against it. Peters just squirmed and said he hadn't made up his mind yet. The next day he voted yes.
Today I sent him a pink slip.
Congressman Gary Peters released the following statement today regarding his decision to support H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act:
"After thoroughly studying the bill and talking with thousands of Oakland County residents and medical professionals, it is clear we must act to lower health care costs for families, seniors and businesses. This plan's reform is market-based; expanding choice, competition and stability; makes our system more efficient and does not add to the deficit. AARP supports this bill because Medicare would be strengthened, closing the prescription drug donut hole and providing new preventative care at no cost for seniors.
Read more here: http://tinyurl.com/yzdwtno
The townhall he was referring to with 800 people was all rigged. I was there, his supporters all wore little stickers on their shirts indicating they wanted reform. There were 100s of them and there were let in through side doors before we could get in. The questions were staged, it got so bad, I couldn't stand it and had to leave. The thousands of business people he mentioned that he talked to, again, more lies. I know some of them that went to see him during the last rally in DC. They clearly presented their case that the current bill as is would not work and that they were against it. Peters just squirmed and said he hadn't made up his mind yet. The next day he voted yes.
Today I sent him a pink slip.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Congressman Peters' voting record is shameful. He pretended to run as a moderate democrat and turned into a Pelosi whipping boy, voting straight down party line. His support for Cap and Tax and the otrocious health care bill topped it off. See his voting record here: http://tinyurl.com/ylgmbgl
His constituents keep writing, calling, faxing him to vote no on the important issues, but he pretends not to hear us. When someone actually gets to meet with him, his positions are always undecided, and wham, the next day he will vote against his constituents wishes. I imagine he thinks of himself as invincible, considering the amount of money he already collected fundraising towards the next election. It is about $ 1,2 Mill by now. See his contributions here http://tinyurl.com/ygzdjct here http://tinyurl.com/yklrmrm and here http://tinyurl.com/yhjnth2
His constituents don't mean anything to him, he's totally beholden to his contributors and lobbyists. The money will keep pouring in. But in the end he will need to get the votes of his constituents. That's why we have to keep working hard on getting him exposed for what he is, let it be known that he is not working for us, never has.
We have to work hard to support a candidate that is a true conservative that will work for us, that wants to serve, unselfishly and a believer in the constitution. A person of strong character, a leader and fighter, one that has experience both on the political scene and in private business.
I bet you can guess who I am thinking of.
His constituents keep writing, calling, faxing him to vote no on the important issues, but he pretends not to hear us. When someone actually gets to meet with him, his positions are always undecided, and wham, the next day he will vote against his constituents wishes. I imagine he thinks of himself as invincible, considering the amount of money he already collected fundraising towards the next election. It is about $ 1,2 Mill by now. See his contributions here http://tinyurl.com/ygzdjct here http://tinyurl.com/yklrmrm and here http://tinyurl.com/yhjnth2
His constituents don't mean anything to him, he's totally beholden to his contributors and lobbyists. The money will keep pouring in. But in the end he will need to get the votes of his constituents. That's why we have to keep working hard on getting him exposed for what he is, let it be known that he is not working for us, never has.
We have to work hard to support a candidate that is a true conservative that will work for us, that wants to serve, unselfishly and a believer in the constitution. A person of strong character, a leader and fighter, one that has experience both on the political scene and in private business.
I bet you can guess who I am thinking of.
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rocky is an excellent speaker (thankfully, he doesn't use a teleprompter) and he gave us a brief history on how we got to where we are now, starting with the Gulf War under Bush 1. A series of videos and still photos followed, some of them very graphic, some of them shocking, so much so that my mouth dropped open, as in Oh My God. Everything he showed us or told us about was declassified and can be found on Open Secrets. He had two soldiers in the audience that had served with him overseas and they contributed not only to the presentation, but also gave big Kudos to Rocky for his leadership, courage and abilities.
There was a reporter in the audience from "Reporting Michigan" who took notes (I didn't, shame on me), but here is his report http://tinyurl.com/yzue7pd Please note on this article that Rocky is a Major and not Captain. Surely an honest mistake on the author's part.
I am grateful to Rocky that he was willing to share his experience with us and it confirmed what kind of person he is, the kind that loves his country and that we need to represent us. Rocky is running for Congress, 9th district in Michigan, against Gary Peters who refuses to listen to his constituents.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank you Rocky Raczkowski for your service to this country. Thank you for wanting to continue to serve.
Veterans Day Message from Rocky Raczkowski
"On my last tour of duty in Somalia, I can remember being asked by one of my men, 'Major, if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?' And without hesitation, I said to him, 'home in Michigan.' I know that every man and woman in the service feels the same way. We love America, our home, and can't wait to get back.
"When I came home a couple of months ago, I was overjoyed to see family and friends but was saddened to see that America wasn't the same and that some of our boundless hope and optimism had been replaced by fear and worry, especially about the sagging economy and job losses.
"So, on this Veterans Day, as brave men and women make sacrifices for us in the most dangerous places in the world and dream about returning home, let's resolve to do everything in our power to make the America our troops come home to stronger, safer and more prosperous. Let's get our economy creating jobs again so that we can replace every 'for sale' sign with a 'help wanted' sign. That's the best tribute we can give to everyone who has ever proudly worn the uniform of the U.S. military. I welcome you to join me in getting the job done."
NOTE: Don't forget to RSVP for my special briefing on the Global War on Terror, Saturday, at 10:30 am in the Oakland County Commissioners' Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac. There are a few seats left so let me know if you are coming at veteransbriefing@gmail.com . Click here for more information.
Veterans Day Message from Rocky Raczkowski
"On my last tour of duty in Somalia, I can remember being asked by one of my men, 'Major, if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?' And without hesitation, I said to him, 'home in Michigan.' I know that every man and woman in the service feels the same way. We love America, our home, and can't wait to get back.
"When I came home a couple of months ago, I was overjoyed to see family and friends but was saddened to see that America wasn't the same and that some of our boundless hope and optimism had been replaced by fear and worry, especially about the sagging economy and job losses.
"So, on this Veterans Day, as brave men and women make sacrifices for us in the most dangerous places in the world and dream about returning home, let's resolve to do everything in our power to make the America our troops come home to stronger, safer and more prosperous. Let's get our economy creating jobs again so that we can replace every 'for sale' sign with a 'help wanted' sign. That's the best tribute we can give to everyone who has ever proudly worn the uniform of the U.S. military. I welcome you to join me in getting the job done."
NOTE: Don't forget to RSVP for my special briefing on the Global War on Terror, Saturday, at 10:30 am in the Oakland County Commissioners' Auditorium, 1200 N. Telegraph, Pontiac. There are a few seats left so let me know if you are coming at veteransbriefing@gmail.com . Click here for more information.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
In honor of Veteran's Day, please come and hear the unclassified, true stories and view pictures from veterans of the Global War on Terror from Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa.
Presented by
Former State Representative and U.S. Army Reserve Major:
Rocky Raczkowski
Candidate for U. S. House of Representatives
For more details click here: http://tinyurl.com/y8hu4ny
Presented by
Former State Representative and U.S. Army Reserve Major:
Rocky Raczkowski
Candidate for U. S. House of Representatives
For more details click here: http://tinyurl.com/y8hu4ny
"Rocky" Raczkowski is running for the 9th Congressional Seat against Gary Peters who just sold us out to Pelosi.
As big government liberals celebrated House approval of their plan to take over America's health care system, Rocky Raczkowski today focused on the crux of the issue: freedom. "Liberal special interests are chipping away at our freedom," said Rocky. "In a world with more than 100,000 I-phone applications, health care solutions should focus on more freedom and more choices. But liberals want to force every American into a one-size-fits-all government-run health care system that takes away our freedom."
View Rocky's webvideo here:
As big government liberals celebrated House approval of their plan to take over America's health care system, Rocky Raczkowski today focused on the crux of the issue: freedom. "Liberal special interests are chipping away at our freedom," said Rocky. "In a world with more than 100,000 I-phone applications, health care solutions should focus on more freedom and more choices. But liberals want to force every American into a one-size-fits-all government-run health care system that takes away our freedom."
View Rocky's webvideo here:
Sunday, November 8, 2009
In You Will Support Abortions Under New Healthcare Bill I wrote about two passages in the Democrat's healthcare bill that encouraged your taxpayer money to be spent on aborting babies. But after Demcrats fought hard to prevent a vote on this issue, morality prevailed, and a group of Democrats voted with Republicans to successfully ban federal funds for abortion under the public health insurance option in the bill and prohibit federal subsidies for purchasing health plans covering abortion.
The amendment does not impose a new federal abortion policy since it simply continues what has been the law in the United States since 1977. The vote was a roll call vote of 240-194.
Voting against this amendment was Michigan's 9th District Congressman, Democrat Gary Peters. He supports using taxpayer money to fund abortions, and felt that some of the $1.2 trillion dollars the federal government will spend under this health care bill should be used to encourage and support women who choose to abort their babies.
Gary Peters, elected out of a district that used to be solidly Republican, has now voted to increase taxes and regulation for energy, increase taxes and regulation for healthcare, and now to fund the expansion of abortions. Gary Peters is no blue-dog- based on his voting record, he is as liberal as they come, and voters in his district need to vote next election to throw him out of office before he works any longer on destroying Michigan jobs.
Posted by A Conservative Teacher
The amendment does not impose a new federal abortion policy since it simply continues what has been the law in the United States since 1977. The vote was a roll call vote of 240-194.
Voting against this amendment was Michigan's 9th District Congressman, Democrat Gary Peters. He supports using taxpayer money to fund abortions, and felt that some of the $1.2 trillion dollars the federal government will spend under this health care bill should be used to encourage and support women who choose to abort their babies.
Gary Peters, elected out of a district that used to be solidly Republican, has now voted to increase taxes and regulation for energy, increase taxes and regulation for healthcare, and now to fund the expansion of abortions. Gary Peters is no blue-dog- based on his voting record, he is as liberal as they come, and voters in his district need to vote next election to throw him out of office before he works any longer on destroying Michigan jobs.
Posted by A Conservative Teacher
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The recent election events must have caused a stir in Washington, even though they won't admit it (yet). It is a known fact that two of our congressmen, Schauer and Peters are very vulnerable come next election. Both are junior legislators in DC, both voted along party lines at the most distressed times Michigan ever saw. Two new candidates are already looking to replace Peters, namely Rocky Raczkowski and Paul Welday. Yes, the heat is on, and it will get hotter, that's why VP Joe Biden thought it best to swing by for a quick fundraiser for the two dems. Tickets are $ 1000 pp. More here from the APhttp://tinyurl.com/y94pthv
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
While New Jersey and Virginia Republicans are celebrating their last night victory, so is Michigan 19th district. Republican and former house member Mike Nofs, by some considered a big spender and endorsed by the SEIU and MEA won the election big time over Martin Griffin. Let's hope he sticks to his word and brings down the Michigan Business Tax. http://tinyurl.com/yfqzg7y He hopes to get sworn in as soon as possible to help with the Michigan economy.
Detroit Mayor Bing won his re-election. By many considered a big improvement over Kwame Kilpatrick, he has a big problem to overcome - the City is out of money. But many think Tuesday's election brings some stability to the mayor's office and promises a new direction for the City Council, which has been the subject of a federal corruption probe that led to the conviction of Councilwoman Monica Conyers for taking bribes.http://tinyurl.com/ylgblrj

In other areas of Michigan more victory for some, but disappointing for others: Kalamazoo voters approve anti-discrimination ordinance by a wide margin. Kalamazoo is now the 16th city in Michigan to receive these rights. Will a town near you be next? http://tinyurl.com/yhaj26t
All in all, a good day for Republicans, here and NY, NJ and VA. But President Obama said, he didn't watch any of this as it really doesn't mean anything. Really!?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Our Muslim poplulation in Dearborn is not only the largest in the country, now a black Muslim group from Detroit is trying to impose their Sharia laws on us. I can only imagine why, sqeeze out Christianity. Yesterday one of their Mosque leaders got killed in an FBI raid.
The leader of a Detroit mosque who allegedly espoused violence and separatism was shot and killed Wednesday in an FBI gun battle at a Dearborn warehouse.
Luqman Ameen Abdullah, imam of the Masjid Al-Haqq mosque in Detroit, was being arrested on a raft of federal charges including conspiracy, receipt of stolen goods, and firearms offenses.

A federal complaint filed Wednesday identified Abdullah, 53, also known as Christopher Thomas, as "a highly placed leader of a nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group." His black Muslim group calls itself "Ummah," or the brotherhood, and wants to establish a separate state within the United States governed by Sharia law, Interim U.S. Attorney Terrence Berg and Andrew Arena, FBI special agent in charge in Detroit, said in a joint statement "He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric," an FBI agent wrote in an affidavit. "Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms, and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wonderful song and lyrics, not to be missed. It's lengthy, but so worth it.
Click on this link to hear and see. http://www.ouramericanfreedom.com/
Click on this link to hear and see. http://www.ouramericanfreedom.com/
"Using kids as a tool to get a tax increase is about as dirty as it gets"
That's what Mike Bishop said to a reporter referring to Governor Granholm's political scheme to drum up support for another tax increase, or as she refers to, more revenue. She came to Rochester, MI, which is in Bishop's backyard to find support from local school officials for her drive to increase taxes once again. A crowd of rougly 150 gathered outside the Rochester School Admin building protesting with signs and flags. Closed door Granholm meeting attracts crowd: http://tinyurl.com/ Not even Oakland County Prosecutor Brooks Patterson was allowed in. "The governor has created a crisis by vetoing line items dealing with education and now she’s here today — and not only here, she was in Livonia, Grand Rapids and all over the state — saying, ‘Look, I had no choice so call your legislators,’ ” Patterson said, per the Oakland Press. “She wants people to call their legislators and raise taxes.” http://tinyurl.com/yzsfjlu
The crowd ouside, however, does not agree with the governor, one of the more original signs said: Not another penny, Jenny.
Mike Reno, a board trustee for the Rochester Community Schools, shared some great insights with the Detroit News why schools often don't budget wisely. http://tinyurl.com/yg4d59k
Mike Reno, a board trustee for the Rochester Community Schools, shared some great insights with the Detroit News why schools often don't budget wisely. http://tinyurl.com/yg4d59k
Monday, October 26, 2009
This past Saturday, a conservative group out of White Lake, Let Freedom Reign, organized a funeral procession for our freedom. Approximately 50 vehicles participated with their decorated cars and travelled down Telegraph to Eight Mile and back up over Widetrack, driving about 2 1/2 hours. They got lots of honks, but very few fingers. They plan to hold more of these rallies during the coming months as the weather gets colder and one can stay warm in a car while still keeping the spirit going.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Isn't it about time we let the governor know that her tax and spend is enough already. She's coming to Rochester this coming Monday, the 26th. Show up and tell her NO NEW TAXES
Granholm is putting on her full court press for tax increase Monday
Glenn Clark October 23 at 4:41pm
Gov Granholm will be at Rochester Community schools admin bldg (501 W. University, 1/2 mile west of Rochester Rd/downtown) at 1:45 monday to meet with Sen. Bishop and me and a bunch of superintendents and educators.
We NEED Tea party action.
Jenny's full court press for higher taxes.
Need people to show up at 1 - "no new taxes!"
It doesn't appear the meeting will be open to the general public, however there is a really good sidewalk near the bldg and along university road - for protest/signs.
Please spread the word.
McMillin calls on governor to open up Monday's closed door meeting
State Rep. Tom McMillin today called on the governor to make public her statewide meetings to raise taxes.
McMillin said that Rochester schools were a stop on the governor's PR tour seemingly designed to force the public and the Legislature into another tax increase, but he wants the taxpayers to have their say as well.
"As the governor travels around the state to raise taxes, she's been conspicuously leaving out the average taxpayer and businessperson who will have to shoulder the tax increases she and other Democrats in Lansing are advocating," said McMillin, R-Rochester Hills.
McMillin noted that the governor did not hold public hearings in 2007, after she forced through the largest tax increase in state history, crippling the state's economy and driving our state to 15.3 percent unemployment.
The governor's meeting will be at Rochester Public Schools in the Administration Center, Harris Room, on Monday, Oct. 26 from 1:45 to 2:45
Granholm is putting on her full court press for tax increase Monday
Glenn Clark October 23 at 4:41pm
Gov Granholm will be at Rochester Community schools admin bldg (501 W. University, 1/2 mile west of Rochester Rd/downtown) at 1:45 monday to meet with Sen. Bishop and me and a bunch of superintendents and educators.
We NEED Tea party action.
Jenny's full court press for higher taxes.
Need people to show up at 1 - "no new taxes!"
It doesn't appear the meeting will be open to the general public, however there is a really good sidewalk near the bldg and along university road - for protest/signs.
Please spread the word.
McMillin calls on governor to open up Monday's closed door meeting
State Rep. Tom McMillin today called on the governor to make public her statewide meetings to raise taxes.
McMillin said that Rochester schools were a stop on the governor's PR tour seemingly designed to force the public and the Legislature into another tax increase, but he wants the taxpayers to have their say as well.
"As the governor travels around the state to raise taxes, she's been conspicuously leaving out the average taxpayer and businessperson who will have to shoulder the tax increases she and other Democrats in Lansing are advocating," said McMillin, R-Rochester Hills.
McMillin noted that the governor did not hold public hearings in 2007, after she forced through the largest tax increase in state history, crippling the state's economy and driving our state to 15.3 percent unemployment.
The governor's meeting will be at Rochester Public Schools in the Administration Center, Harris Room, on Monday, Oct. 26 from 1:45 to 2:45
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
House Roll Call: How They Voted on Gitmo Detainees
This is how Michigan representatives voted on Gitmo and Standish. A ''yes'' vote is a vote to reject the measure. Note that Gary Peters, 9th district is the only one with a yes vote, his first not voting along party lines, not that it matters any more.
Democrats -- Conyers, N; Dingell, N; Kildee, N; Kilpatrick, N; Levin, N; Peters, Y; Schauer, N; Stupak, N.
Republicans -- Camp, Y; Ehlers, Y; Hoekstra, Y; McCotter, Y; Miller, Y; Rogers, Y; Upton, Y. Here you can see how all the other states voted: http://tinyurl.com/yh3zqjk
Democrats -- Conyers, N; Dingell, N; Kildee, N; Kilpatrick, N; Levin, N; Peters, Y; Schauer, N; Stupak, N.
Republicans -- Camp, Y; Ehlers, Y; Hoekstra, Y; McCotter, Y; Miller, Y; Rogers, Y; Upton, Y. Here you can see how all the other states voted: http://tinyurl.com/yh3zqjk
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Cushingberry Having A Ranting Fit
A patriot friend from one of the forums posted this letter from Jack Hoogendyk along with an audio. This is too good not to pass on.
"Last month I sent two updates on the budget crisis in Lansing. In both letters, I suggested you call Appropriations Chairman, George Cushingberry. You did and apparently you got under the Chairman's skin. The good Representative apparently lost it on the House floor recently. Hear his "rant" here: or read the text of his speech below.
I don't know how many "calls" you placed, but I do know by tracking hits from my web site that at least 300 of you contacted his office via e-mail.
Chairman Cushingberry seems to think that if you are not from his district he owes you no response to your communications. I guess he forgot that as Chair of Appropriations, the decisions he makes about taxes and spending affect every resident in the state.
This budget crisis is not over; the likelihood of another tax increase is still a very real possibility. Perhaps 300 e-mails is not enough. Maybe Chairman Cushingberry should hear from you and 599 of your friends. Respectfully tell Chairman Cushingberry what a tax increase will do to you and your family. Tell him that you can't increase your family spending and neither should government. Please ask him to reconsider before raising taxes on your family. But please remember to be courteous and respectful."
I think it would be a good idea if we all called and let him/them know, no more Michigan tax increases, enough is enough.
"Last month I sent two updates on the budget crisis in Lansing. In both letters, I suggested you call Appropriations Chairman, George Cushingberry. You did and apparently you got under the Chairman's skin. The good Representative apparently lost it on the House floor recently. Hear his "rant" here: or read the text of his speech below.
I don't know how many "calls" you placed, but I do know by tracking hits from my web site that at least 300 of you contacted his office via e-mail.
Chairman Cushingberry seems to think that if you are not from his district he owes you no response to your communications. I guess he forgot that as Chair of Appropriations, the decisions he makes about taxes and spending affect every resident in the state.
This budget crisis is not over; the likelihood of another tax increase is still a very real possibility. Perhaps 300 e-mails is not enough. Maybe Chairman Cushingberry should hear from you and 599 of your friends. Respectfully tell Chairman Cushingberry what a tax increase will do to you and your family. Tell him that you can't increase your family spending and neither should government. Please ask him to reconsider before raising taxes on your family. But please remember to be courteous and respectful."
I think it would be a good idea if we all called and let him/them know, no more Michigan tax increases, enough is enough.
The State of Joblessness - Michigan Economy withers under Tax burden
Governor Granholm was on the Frank Beckman show today right after Senator Bishop talked with Frank Beckman also. Granholm told Beckman in so many words that Bishop didn't do the job of balancing the budget and therefore she has to get her pencil sharpened and veto the budget. Her claim is that Bishop didn't account for the shortfall of revenue. Beckman asked her "but Governor, you promised twice that you wouldn't raise the taxes" and her answer was, well, that was a mistake, I shouldn't have said that, and who could have known we'd have a shortfall of revenues? My answer is: Governor, you had eight years to stop the wasteful spending, and the Wall Street Journal has this to say: http://tinyurl.com/yjnnelj
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tangled Up in the Web of political campaigning
by Ari B. Adler
The early votes are in — and there’s no clear leader among the websites for Michigan’s gubernatorial candidates.
Reviewed in early September by professionals with a wide range of political, advertising and digital media backgrounds, the websites for Mike Bouchard, John Cherry, Mike Cox, Tom George, Pete Hoekstra, Alma Wheeler Smith and Rick Snyder each had good and bad features depending on various perspectives.
The early votes are in — and there’s no clear leader among the websites for Michigan’s gubernatorial candidates.
Reviewed in early September by professionals with a wide range of political, advertising and digital media backgrounds, the websites for Mike Bouchard, John Cherry, Mike Cox, Tom George, Pete Hoekstra, Alma Wheeler Smith and Rick Snyder each had good and bad features depending on various perspectives.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It was estimated that there were about 200 protesters at the NBC station in Troy. Brave patriots ventured out despite the already too cool temperatures.

For more photos go here http://tinyurl.com/ygj7uuh
Photos: courtesy from Stacia L.
Atlanta and Chicago videos go here: http://tinyurl.com/yhunvqo
Friday, October 16, 2009
New from Grassroots in Michigan - Patriots from across Michigan deliver a Pink Slip to liberal tool Debbie Stabenow with a message, "we will do everything in our power to make sure Sen. Stabenow does not return to office in 2012"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Michigan OKs more tax incentives for economic development
October 15, 2009, 1:07PM
LANSING — Michigan lawmakers are agreeing to award more tax incentives for economic development this year, as long as the state reports the number of jobs created and retained by companies getting the tax credits.
The 37-member Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a package of four bills after reaching a compromise with the House and Gov. Jennifer Granholm's administration. The House is expected to vote on the package later in the day.
The governor has warned some economic development projects may not go through without legislative action. The state would be out of tax credits for 2009 if the bills didn't pass.
LANSING — Michigan lawmakers are agreeing to award more tax incentives for economic development this year, as long as the state reports the number of jobs created and retained by companies getting the tax credits.
The 37-member Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a package of four bills after reaching a compromise with the House and Gov. Jennifer Granholm's administration. The House is expected to vote on the package later in the day.
The governor has warned some economic development projects may not go through without legislative action. The state would be out of tax credits for 2009 if the bills didn't pass.
Partisanship Finds an Outlet: Oakland County Government Resolution Against Obamacare Brings Supporters and Opponents Out
One of my favorite Michigan bloggers, A Conservative Teacher, posted this article about the very recent Oakland County Commissioners meeting in Pontiac regarding Obamacare. Unfortunately I couldn't attend the event myself, but find it necessary to re-post her thoughts here. In a way I am glad I wasn't there, sometimes it is just to painful to listen to the liberal insults and repeated rhetoric. On the other hand, it is very sad to see the large amount of un-informed people in this country. This is mostly to blame on the partisan media who want to keep them uninformed, just like the schools want to keep our children uninformed about their American heritage, the Constitution, history, and their rights. Conservative Teacher understands all of this.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Congressman Hoekstra and John Shadegg wrote this OP-Ed for the Investor Daily. Pete Hoekstra is from Holland, Michigan and running for Governor. He's a great American that works hard for the people of Michigan. I have great respect for him.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
ACTION ALERT: Urgent: 10/14 Oakland Commissioners to Vote on Resolution Comdemning Obama-Pelosi Healthcare Takeover]
URGENT: Please pass on to all of your friends/family
What? At 7 PM Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th., the Oakland County Board of Commssioners will suspend their rules to consider a resolution offered by Commissioner Gosselin (R-Troy) condemning the Obama-Pelosi-Reid federal takeover of our private healthcare in our nation. We need freedom-loving Americans to show up and voice of support during public comment for the Gosselin Resolution which is against the Democrat healthcare takeover plan (H.R. 3200 & Senate Bill just passed today).
Where? Oakland County Commissioner's Auditorium (round-type building attached to the Circuit Court Building), 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac. The Commissioner's Auditorium is right in front of the Sheriff's Dept./county jail. Free parking.
When? Wednesday, October 14, 7 PM. Public comment is at beginning of meeting, plus the Chairman will call for specific comment on the Gosselin Resolution at the end of the agenda right before the Commissioners vote on it. That will be around 8 PM. Come whenever you are available.
Send our Congressman & Senators a message through our Oakland County Commission on this important matter. Your voice will make a difference --- liberal Democrats are organizing now to turnout pro-takeover activists. We cannot be out worked on this important issue. Spread the word!!
What? At 7 PM Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th., the Oakland County Board of Commssioners will suspend their rules to consider a resolution offered by Commissioner Gosselin (R-Troy) condemning the Obama-Pelosi-Reid federal takeover of our private healthcare in our nation. We need freedom-loving Americans to show up and voice of support during public comment for the Gosselin Resolution which is against the Democrat healthcare takeover plan (H.R. 3200 & Senate Bill just passed today).
Where? Oakland County Commissioner's Auditorium (round-type building attached to the Circuit Court Building), 1200 N. Telegraph Road, Pontiac. The Commissioner's Auditorium is right in front of the Sheriff's Dept./county jail. Free parking.
When? Wednesday, October 14, 7 PM. Public comment is at beginning of meeting, plus the Chairman will call for specific comment on the Gosselin Resolution at the end of the agenda right before the Commissioners vote on it. That will be around 8 PM. Come whenever you are available.
Send our Congressman & Senators a message through our Oakland County Commission on this important matter. Your voice will make a difference --- liberal Democrats are organizing now to turnout pro-takeover activists. We cannot be out worked on this important issue. Spread the word!!
Last night, on October 12th, at a Townhall at Rochester High, in Rochester, many Michigan residents voiced their opinions on whether or not the Gitmo detainees should be transferred to Standish Mi. Here are some of their comments:
Just say No to Gitmo North in Standish, Michigan. It will not create jobs as current prison guards will be fired and temporary federal/military personnel will staff the facility. It puts Standish and all of Michigan in the terrorist's bull's eye. There is no reason to place the world's most dangerous terrorists on US soil. Tell your elected officials to keep Guantanamo Bay open for business and away from Michigan.
by Paul Welday, Candidate for 9th district.
Attended Stop the GITMO detainees from coming to Standish mtg. I want to thank Frank Beckman for hosting the meeting. Standish needs peeps from across the State to know that this affects us all. Voice your opinion (only if you are opposed to their coming to MI do I wish you to voice your opinion). Hey, if our government can try to ban free speech via opposition to FoxNews I can try to ban free speech by issue advocacy.
by Janice Daniels, Troy resident
Here is the Oakland Press article on this event followed by citizens comments:http://tinyurl.com/yzkyokk
There is also an email address if you want to voice your own opinion: mailto:stopgitmonorth@gmail.com
Just say No to Gitmo North in Standish, Michigan. It will not create jobs as current prison guards will be fired and temporary federal/military personnel will staff the facility. It puts Standish and all of Michigan in the terrorist's bull's eye. There is no reason to place the world's most dangerous terrorists on US soil. Tell your elected officials to keep Guantanamo Bay open for business and away from Michigan.
by Paul Welday, Candidate for 9th district.
Attended Stop the GITMO detainees from coming to Standish mtg. I want to thank Frank Beckman for hosting the meeting. Standish needs peeps from across the State to know that this affects us all. Voice your opinion (only if you are opposed to their coming to MI do I wish you to voice your opinion). Hey, if our government can try to ban free speech via opposition to FoxNews I can try to ban free speech by issue advocacy.
by Janice Daniels, Troy resident
Here is the Oakland Press article on this event followed by citizens comments:http://tinyurl.com/yzkyokk
There is also an email address if you want to voice your own opinion: mailto:stopgitmonorth@gmail.com
Monday, October 12, 2009
See here for yourself http://icaucus.ning.com/group/marketingmaterials/forum/attachment/download?id=3075822%3AUploadedFi35%3A25036 what Icaucus can do to help us secure the right candidates in 2010.
We need more members, just sign up, if you don't want to participate in the discusions, that's ok, but you might find it interestig to read them. So, hop on over and join.
We need more members, just sign up, if you don't want to participate in the discusions, that's ok, but you might find it interestig to read them. So, hop on over and join.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Anita Dunn the new point person that if successful will take the Fox News Channel off the air. Sorry for losing my professional cool in describing her in that manner but I think its fitting under current conditions.
FNC has become a must watch news source for most of America now that the other channels have slugged down the Obama cool aid.
This new turf war is a relatively new conflict in a free America. Free America, hum, isn't this what happens in the early stages of a fascist take over?
Let me make this more clear. The U.S. Government is battling to shut down a news channel. No, not a porn channel a news channel and a good one at that.
Freedom of speech and the press are now under full attack and every American has to be aware of this situation and must stand up against it.
She will most likely stop at nothing to please her Fuhrer. As we have seen in the past the far left are capable of anything.
In the midst of this battle across the country Patriots are gathering to strike back and defend our Bill of Rights and send a message to the White House that we wont take this sitting down.
On October 17th in over 100 cities across America, Patriots will gather at local ABC, CBS and NBC TV stations to protest the "GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA" that oozes from its airwaves.
Below I have listed all of the locations for the rallies.
If you have a little time to sacrifce for your country, your children, your grandchildren and most of all the freedoms that we hold so dear. Show up and send the message of freedom.
Please show your support at the following locations:
Saginaw – WNEM-TV 5 (CBSaffiliate), 107 N. Franklin St., 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Troy – NBC, 3250 West Big Beaver (between Coolidge and Golfview Drive), 2 p.m.
FNC has become a must watch news source for most of America now that the other channels have slugged down the Obama cool aid.
This new turf war is a relatively new conflict in a free America. Free America, hum, isn't this what happens in the early stages of a fascist take over?
Let me make this more clear. The U.S. Government is battling to shut down a news channel. No, not a porn channel a news channel and a good one at that.
Freedom of speech and the press are now under full attack and every American has to be aware of this situation and must stand up against it.
She will most likely stop at nothing to please her Fuhrer. As we have seen in the past the far left are capable of anything.
In the midst of this battle across the country Patriots are gathering to strike back and defend our Bill of Rights and send a message to the White House that we wont take this sitting down.
On October 17th in over 100 cities across America, Patriots will gather at local ABC, CBS and NBC TV stations to protest the "GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA" that oozes from its airwaves.
Below I have listed all of the locations for the rallies.
If you have a little time to sacrifce for your country, your children, your grandchildren and most of all the freedoms that we hold so dear. Show up and send the message of freedom.
Please show your support at the following locations:
Saginaw – WNEM-TV 5 (CBSaffiliate), 107 N. Franklin St., 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Troy – NBC, 3250 West Big Beaver (between Coolidge and Golfview Drive), 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Michigan Coalition to Stop GITMO North
For Immediate Release
October 8, 2009
Contact: Kelly Kimball (989-718-3059); Dave Munson (989-737-1814); Linda Brenner (248-505-8055)
State Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop will join nationally renowned terrorism expert Peter Leitner and Gitmo authority Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu at a town hall Monday night (Oct. 12) at Rochester High School addressing the possible transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees to Michigan. The forum will be moderated by WJR radio host Frank Beckman. It begins at 7 PM in the school auditorium and is open to the community.
The citizen information meeting is being presented by the Michigan Coalition to Stop Gitmo North, a grassroots organization of citizens from across the state concerned about the potential risks of relocating Gitmo terror suspects to the soon-to-be-shuttered prison in Standish. The coalition will also be hosting a program in Okemos on Tuesday night and a legislative briefing at the state capitol earlier in the day.The group hosted the first town hall in Standish when it learned the site was on the federal government’s short list of facilities to house detainees the Administration wants to move to US soil.
“Although Standish residents will be most immediately impacted, this is an issue of monumental importance for all citizens of Michigan. We should all be concerned about security considerations and the negative impact this will have on our state economy,” said Kelly Kimball, former Arenac County Commissioner and a coalition leader.
“With everyone in Michigan fixated on our state’s budget and the nation fixated on health care reform, it is critical this issue get the same attention, so it doesn’t fly under the radar until it’s too late and federal officials force this decision upon us,” Kimball said.
State Senator Bishop, whose district includes Rochester, will provide an update on the latest action the state legislature has taken on the matter. Following state hearings in both chambers, the senate voted unanimously to pass a resolution calling on the federal government to declassify information on the backgrounds of the detainees and their conduct while at Gitmo. The senate also requested authorization for a fact-finding trip to Gitmo. A similar request initiated by US Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan was denied. Just this past week, both the US Senate and US House voted to deny funding to close Gitmo and transfer detainees to the US.
Headlining the panel will be Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu, former Army Special Forces and author of “Inside Gitmo: The True Story behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay.” The book is based on extensive research backed by five visits to the Gitmo detention facility. He served in Vietnam as a Green Beret and on high level staffs at the Pentagon and State Department. He is a frequent guest contributor and commentator to major media outlets.
Dr. Peter Leitner, will address broader state and national security implications of the President’s intent to move Gitmo detainees to the US. He is the president of the Higgins Counterterrorism Research Center and served as the principal expert on terrorism issues within the Defense Technology Security Administration of the Department of Defense.
Three community leaders from Standish, including the chief steward of corrections officers, will present a local perspective of why their town is ill-suited to house Gitmo detainees and the negative impact it would have on the region and state. Several other elected officials, including Governor Granholm, have also been invited.
For Immediate Release
October 8, 2009
Contact: Kelly Kimball (989-718-3059); Dave Munson (989-737-1814); Linda Brenner (248-505-8055)
State Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop will join nationally renowned terrorism expert Peter Leitner and Gitmo authority Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu at a town hall Monday night (Oct. 12) at Rochester High School addressing the possible transfer of Guantanamo Bay detainees to Michigan. The forum will be moderated by WJR radio host Frank Beckman. It begins at 7 PM in the school auditorium and is open to the community.
The citizen information meeting is being presented by the Michigan Coalition to Stop Gitmo North, a grassroots organization of citizens from across the state concerned about the potential risks of relocating Gitmo terror suspects to the soon-to-be-shuttered prison in Standish. The coalition will also be hosting a program in Okemos on Tuesday night and a legislative briefing at the state capitol earlier in the day.The group hosted the first town hall in Standish when it learned the site was on the federal government’s short list of facilities to house detainees the Administration wants to move to US soil.
“Although Standish residents will be most immediately impacted, this is an issue of monumental importance for all citizens of Michigan. We should all be concerned about security considerations and the negative impact this will have on our state economy,” said Kelly Kimball, former Arenac County Commissioner and a coalition leader.
“With everyone in Michigan fixated on our state’s budget and the nation fixated on health care reform, it is critical this issue get the same attention, so it doesn’t fly under the radar until it’s too late and federal officials force this decision upon us,” Kimball said.
State Senator Bishop, whose district includes Rochester, will provide an update on the latest action the state legislature has taken on the matter. Following state hearings in both chambers, the senate voted unanimously to pass a resolution calling on the federal government to declassify information on the backgrounds of the detainees and their conduct while at Gitmo. The senate also requested authorization for a fact-finding trip to Gitmo. A similar request initiated by US Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan was denied. Just this past week, both the US Senate and US House voted to deny funding to close Gitmo and transfer detainees to the US.
Headlining the panel will be Lt. Col. Gordon Cucullu, former Army Special Forces and author of “Inside Gitmo: The True Story behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay.” The book is based on extensive research backed by five visits to the Gitmo detention facility. He served in Vietnam as a Green Beret and on high level staffs at the Pentagon and State Department. He is a frequent guest contributor and commentator to major media outlets.
Dr. Peter Leitner, will address broader state and national security implications of the President’s intent to move Gitmo detainees to the US. He is the president of the Higgins Counterterrorism Research Center and served as the principal expert on terrorism issues within the Defense Technology Security Administration of the Department of Defense.
Three community leaders from Standish, including the chief steward of corrections officers, will present a local perspective of why their town is ill-suited to house Gitmo detainees and the negative impact it would have on the region and state. Several other elected officials, including Governor Granholm, have also been invited.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
SATURDAY OCTOBER 24, 2009: (alternate rain date is Nov. 7)
Let Freedom Reign "Death of our Freedoms" funeral procession. (Hopefully this will help to prevent us from losing even more of our freedoms!!)
We will assemble at 12:00 noon at Walton and Telegraph in Pontiac.
Our procession will travel down Telegraph to Eight Mile to Woodward, Oakland Avenue and back up Telegraph to Walton.
Keep in mind while decorating cars, trucks, signs, etc. this is a family friendly event so appropriate language would be appreciated. We are losing our freedoms in SOOO many ways... pick the subject matter (s) that most concern you, and decorate your vehicle with pictures, slogans, etc.
If you are unable to join us for the entire procession, please feel free to JOIN US ALONG THE ROUTE!! We will be required to obey stop lights, etc... and to go a speed that at least prevents problems to other motorists. So if you join in along the way, you can help to fill in some of the 'gaps' that will be created by stoplights, etc.!!
For more information, call 248-620-3016.
Let Freedom Reign "Death of our Freedoms" funeral procession. (Hopefully this will help to prevent us from losing even more of our freedoms!!)
We will assemble at 12:00 noon at Walton and Telegraph in Pontiac.
Our procession will travel down Telegraph to Eight Mile to Woodward, Oakland Avenue and back up Telegraph to Walton.
Keep in mind while decorating cars, trucks, signs, etc. this is a family friendly event so appropriate language would be appreciated. We are losing our freedoms in SOOO many ways... pick the subject matter (s) that most concern you, and decorate your vehicle with pictures, slogans, etc.
If you are unable to join us for the entire procession, please feel free to JOIN US ALONG THE ROUTE!! We will be required to obey stop lights, etc... and to go a speed that at least prevents problems to other motorists. So if you join in along the way, you can help to fill in some of the 'gaps' that will be created by stoplights, etc.!!
For more information, call 248-620-3016.
This just in from Jack Hoogendyk
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
TAX ALERT! House Moving Huge Tax Increase Today!
The House Tax Policy Committee was called into special session today. Meanwhile the House Chamber was locked down. All members are required to stay until the Speaker releases them. Following is the latest intel we have on what is being offered:
15 percent in MBT tax "expenditure cuts" raising $116.1 million
Other tobacco products tax, $41 million
Extend bar hours of operation, $13.7 million
Personal exemption index freeze $55 million
Physician tax of 3 percent to leverage more federal Medicaid dollars, $52.5 million
Now is the time to spring into action once again. Call your State Representative NOW. Don't call Senators yet. If these increases get through the House, they will go to the Senate next; that is when you should call the Senate. Find your State Representative here.
Posted by Jack Hoogendyk at 3:19 PM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
TAX ALERT! House Moving Huge Tax Increase Today!
The House Tax Policy Committee was called into special session today. Meanwhile the House Chamber was locked down. All members are required to stay until the Speaker releases them. Following is the latest intel we have on what is being offered:
15 percent in MBT tax "expenditure cuts" raising $116.1 million
Other tobacco products tax, $41 million
Extend bar hours of operation, $13.7 million
Personal exemption index freeze $55 million
Physician tax of 3 percent to leverage more federal Medicaid dollars, $52.5 million
Now is the time to spring into action once again. Call your State Representative NOW. Don't call Senators yet. If these increases get through the House, they will go to the Senate next; that is when you should call the Senate. Find your State Representative here.
Posted by Jack Hoogendyk at 3:19 PM
This just in from a friend and sports fan, in particular the Red Wings. I promised to get this circulated.
Dear Red Wings' fans,
As you may have heard by now, the Governor and the Michigan Legislature are seriously considering charging sports fans a 6-percent luxury tax on all professional and college sports tickets sold in Michigan.
This tax would be applied to tickets for major league and minor league baseball, football, hockey, basketball and auto racing. It would tickets to all college sports including football, hockey and basketball. It would also add a ticket tax to all concerts, shows and could even include movie tickets at a total cost of over $100 million per year.
This tax is not on the sports teams – it is on you – the fans. And all of us at the Red Wing's organization believe it is wrong to target the working families
This ticket tax would cost a family of four from $597 to more than $1,900 per year on their Red Wings' season tickets. Michigan would be the only state in the region to tax families attending movies, sporting events and concerts.
Fans Against the Ticket Tax was started to inform citizens of the potential for this legislation and to fight against this tax. We wanted to make you aware of this proposal and encourage you to speak out to the Governor and your representatives and senators in Lansing.
If you would like to voice your opinion on this issue, you can do the following:
1. Go to www.NoTicketTax.com to join in the effort and tell the governor and your legislator what you think about the ticket tax. Let them know there should NOT be a luxury tax on taking your family to a hockey game.
2. Send this email to all your friends and encourage them to get involved. Every email or phone call to Lansing will send a clear message that Michigan sports fans do not want the ticket tax.
Thanks for your help.
Go Wings!
Dear Red Wings' fans,
As you may have heard by now, the Governor and the Michigan Legislature are seriously considering charging sports fans a 6-percent luxury tax on all professional and college sports tickets sold in Michigan.
This tax would be applied to tickets for major league and minor league baseball, football, hockey, basketball and auto racing. It would tickets to all college sports including football, hockey and basketball. It would also add a ticket tax to all concerts, shows and could even include movie tickets at a total cost of over $100 million per year.
This tax is not on the sports teams – it is on you – the fans. And all of us at the Red Wing's organization believe it is wrong to target the working families
This ticket tax would cost a family of four from $597 to more than $1,900 per year on their Red Wings' season tickets. Michigan would be the only state in the region to tax families attending movies, sporting events and concerts.
Fans Against the Ticket Tax was started to inform citizens of the potential for this legislation and to fight against this tax. We wanted to make you aware of this proposal and encourage you to speak out to the Governor and your representatives and senators in Lansing.
If you would like to voice your opinion on this issue, you can do the following:
1. Go to www.NoTicketTax.com to join in the effort and tell the governor and your legislator what you think about the ticket tax. Let them know there should NOT be a luxury tax on taking your family to a hockey game.
2. Send this email to all your friends and encourage them to get involved. Every email or phone call to Lansing will send a clear message that Michigan sports fans do not want the ticket tax.
Thanks for your help.
Go Wings!
Thanks Congressman Rogers for continuing the fight for us.
More great Michigan Conservatives
I just came across Brian Pennebecker's blog in the Oakland Press and will incorpate his posts here. He is also a conservative Michigander with a special understanding for blue collar workers.
This is what Brian's blog starts with:
I am going to devote this blog to providing a blue collar-conservative's "take" on the issues impacting metro-Detroit and Michigan. I want to comment from the perspective of a parent, an auto worker, and a conservative observer of society in general. I hope to employ some humor, wit and occasional cynicism to make my argument. While I am a conservative, I'm not an ideologue, and look forward to commenting on current events and the "issues of the day" with an open mind.
To read more from him go to: http://pannebecker.blogspot.com/
This is what Brian's blog starts with:
I am going to devote this blog to providing a blue collar-conservative's "take" on the issues impacting metro-Detroit and Michigan. I want to comment from the perspective of a parent, an auto worker, and a conservative observer of society in general. I hope to employ some humor, wit and occasional cynicism to make my argument. While I am a conservative, I'm not an ideologue, and look forward to commenting on current events and the "issues of the day" with an open mind.
To read more from him go to: http://pannebecker.blogspot.com/
Monday, October 5, 2009
A group from the Standish area are conducting a town hall in Rochester to inform SE Michigan about the dangers presented by the proprosal to house GITMO detainees in the Standish, MI prison. Folks, this proposal MUST be stopped. Please try to attend this event, or at least share the information with as many people as you can. We need to show the governor and our lovely senators that we will NOT tolerate this in Michigan.
What: Townhall against Gitmo detainees in Michigan
When: Monday, October 12th, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Rochester High School, 180 S. Livernois, Rochester Hills, MI
What: Townhall against Gitmo detainees in Michigan
When: Monday, October 12th, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Rochester High School, 180 S. Livernois, Rochester Hills, MI
Where are the jobs? With Saturn being closed now, Michigan will have 1000 more unemployed once again, but VP Biden says, the economy is on an upswing. Really? The disconnect is getting wider, where are their heads? I am quoting an article below that I just read and I couldn't have said it bette myself.
"Just maybe we have our priorities wrong.Let’s not have tunnel vision and spend over a trillion dollars on health care reform when it will not cure the very dire current and growing unemployment problem.
The stimulus bill cost nearly a trillion dollars and was passed quickly in Congress to halt unemployment, yet instead, unemployment rose. Let’s be much more prudent in spending the next trillion.
The government is using the same sense of urgency to pass a health care bill, which won’t go into effect until 2013. What’s the rush?Hospital and ambulance services are already required to provide care to anyone needing emergency treatment, regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay.
In the middle of a recession and with rising unemployment, Democrats have been letting it leak that they want to raise U.S. tax rates on the middle and upper class.
As far as redistribution of resources, when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always depend on the support of Paul.
Many in the country are blaming the current economy on eight years of President Bush. My recollection is that the Democrats have controlled Congress for the past three years, so it’s time to quit blaming Bush.
Before we even consider health care reform, let’s get the economy growing again and put all those millions of unemployed back to work."
Carole McKeown
Waterford Township
"Just maybe we have our priorities wrong.Let’s not have tunnel vision and spend over a trillion dollars on health care reform when it will not cure the very dire current and growing unemployment problem.
The stimulus bill cost nearly a trillion dollars and was passed quickly in Congress to halt unemployment, yet instead, unemployment rose. Let’s be much more prudent in spending the next trillion.
The government is using the same sense of urgency to pass a health care bill, which won’t go into effect until 2013. What’s the rush?Hospital and ambulance services are already required to provide care to anyone needing emergency treatment, regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay.
In the middle of a recession and with rising unemployment, Democrats have been letting it leak that they want to raise U.S. tax rates on the middle and upper class.
As far as redistribution of resources, when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always depend on the support of Paul.
Many in the country are blaming the current economy on eight years of President Bush. My recollection is that the Democrats have controlled Congress for the past three years, so it’s time to quit blaming Bush.
Before we even consider health care reform, let’s get the economy growing again and put all those millions of unemployed back to work."
Carole McKeown
Waterford Township
Over the last few months I have joined numerous activist groups and forums, but found only three of them worthwhile to stay active in. Those three are the 9.12 project that was started by Glenn Beck, Resistnet and the Independence Caucus.
We have a bunch of unwanted politicians in this state and they need to be booted out if we have any chance at all of making a change. For now I would just like you to look at Icaucus and see for yourselves how they can help us if you join and get active.
This is what they have to say:
Icaucus is an organization whose primary mission is to replace our compromised, fiscally irresponsible incumbents with good men and women who share our principles and values.
Every conservative group shares that same goal and we have something to offer the other groups that they cannot do for themselves or their members. We truly are the last-mile solution to get the job done. At Independence Caucus, we have five golden keys to help us accomplish this.
1) Independence Caucus has a well defined candidate vetting process which includes a set of 80 principle-based vetting questions, which we pose to all potential candidates for office. We believe that this is a job interview, and that the primary reason we have so many people in office who have not represented us well in the past is because we have not vetted them properly. The Independence Caucus members and partners for each area (comprised of people who are in that particular candidate’s voting district), must agree with at least a 70% majority, that the candidate is the right person to back before Independence Caucus will endorse that candidate.
2) We conduct specific research on incumbents to show the link to their voting records & earmarks, and which big money special interest groups have donated to their campaigns and how much they’ve donated (it’s a whole lot more than the media reports). We use that research to give our endorsed candidates an advantage in campaigning against that incumbent.
3) Our founders understand that “all politics is local” and they have a strong knowledge of how politics works down to a precinct level and understand what is needed to win campaigns. Their first win was Jason Chaffetz from Utah’s third Congressional district. Chaffetz is the Congressman who sleeps on his cot in his Washington office to save the tax payers money. Frank Anderson and Monte Bateman, the co-founders of Independence Caucus helped Chaffetz beat an incumbent Congressman while being outspent by 6:1.
4) We’ve identified 26 specific functional positions within a campaign that are needed in order to win and beat compromised incumbents who are owned by the big money special interest groups.
5) Finally, the Independence Caucus currently has programmers developing a powerful political social networking tool, which connects candidates to enthusiastic and motivated volunteers for their campaigns. This social networking tool contains all the tools a candidate needs to manage his/her campaign, as well as the tools and training volunteers need to be most effective in working for their chosen candidate.
We would like to partner with any and all groups as well as individuals who share our goals and would like to participate with us to use the tools we provide. Are you interested? Join us at http://www.icaucus.ning.com/
We have a bunch of unwanted politicians in this state and they need to be booted out if we have any chance at all of making a change. For now I would just like you to look at Icaucus and see for yourselves how they can help us if you join and get active.
This is what they have to say:
Icaucus is an organization whose primary mission is to replace our compromised, fiscally irresponsible incumbents with good men and women who share our principles and values.
Every conservative group shares that same goal and we have something to offer the other groups that they cannot do for themselves or their members. We truly are the last-mile solution to get the job done. At Independence Caucus, we have five golden keys to help us accomplish this.
1) Independence Caucus has a well defined candidate vetting process which includes a set of 80 principle-based vetting questions, which we pose to all potential candidates for office. We believe that this is a job interview, and that the primary reason we have so many people in office who have not represented us well in the past is because we have not vetted them properly. The Independence Caucus members and partners for each area (comprised of people who are in that particular candidate’s voting district), must agree with at least a 70% majority, that the candidate is the right person to back before Independence Caucus will endorse that candidate.
2) We conduct specific research on incumbents to show the link to their voting records & earmarks, and which big money special interest groups have donated to their campaigns and how much they’ve donated (it’s a whole lot more than the media reports). We use that research to give our endorsed candidates an advantage in campaigning against that incumbent.
3) Our founders understand that “all politics is local” and they have a strong knowledge of how politics works down to a precinct level and understand what is needed to win campaigns. Their first win was Jason Chaffetz from Utah’s third Congressional district. Chaffetz is the Congressman who sleeps on his cot in his Washington office to save the tax payers money. Frank Anderson and Monte Bateman, the co-founders of Independence Caucus helped Chaffetz beat an incumbent Congressman while being outspent by 6:1.
4) We’ve identified 26 specific functional positions within a campaign that are needed in order to win and beat compromised incumbents who are owned by the big money special interest groups.
5) Finally, the Independence Caucus currently has programmers developing a powerful political social networking tool, which connects candidates to enthusiastic and motivated volunteers for their campaigns. This social networking tool contains all the tools a candidate needs to manage his/her campaign, as well as the tools and training volunteers need to be most effective in working for their chosen candidate.
We would like to partner with any and all groups as well as individuals who share our goals and would like to participate with us to use the tools we provide. Are you interested? Join us at http://www.icaucus.ning.com/
Sunday, October 4, 2009
As the public is still debating the dreaded health care bill, not much attention is given yet to the cap and trade bill that the House already voted on a few months back. Some of our own congressman voted on this bill, totally disregarding the people of Michigan that called, faxed, emailed them not to vote on a bill that will be detrimental to our state.
David Law, Chairman of the Oakland County Republican Party has this take on cap and trade:
http://tinyurl.com/yaj959r. This article was printed in the Oakland Press on October 5, 2009.
David Law, Chairman of the Oakland County Republican Party has this take on cap and trade:
http://tinyurl.com/yaj959r. This article was printed in the Oakland Press on October 5, 2009.
I am not a native Michigander, I'm an import and have lived in this great state for 40 years. Once a proud state boasting of history, and a place of endless opportunities, Motown not only produced great music artists, but also some of the best cars. See this video what Detroit used to be like:
Those were the good days. Over the years corruption ruined a once prosperouss city and state. Detroit still boasts a beautiful waterfront, but most businesses have moved to the burps. Many beautiful buildings are standing empty and boarded up, others got torn down. Remember Kwame Killpatrick, he took the corruption to another level and our Governor, the honorable Jennifer Granholm blew us away with her promise of no more taxes. I don't think she knows what keeping a promise means. Combined with our leader, mmm mmm mmm and the UAW who now own GM and Chrysler and the taxes on small business that Granholm had imposed, Michigan now has the highest unemployment, almost the highest taxes and to top it off, a budget deficit of almost 3 billion $$. The next month will tell us how this will be resolved. This blog page is dedicated to Michigan and I invite anyone to forward any info and news that could be incorporated here.
Those were the good days. Over the years corruption ruined a once prosperouss city and state. Detroit still boasts a beautiful waterfront, but most businesses have moved to the burps. Many beautiful buildings are standing empty and boarded up, others got torn down. Remember Kwame Killpatrick, he took the corruption to another level and our Governor, the honorable Jennifer Granholm blew us away with her promise of no more taxes. I don't think she knows what keeping a promise means. Combined with our leader, mmm mmm mmm and the UAW who now own GM and Chrysler and the taxes on small business that Granholm had imposed, Michigan now has the highest unemployment, almost the highest taxes and to top it off, a budget deficit of almost 3 billion $$. The next month will tell us how this will be resolved. This blog page is dedicated to Michigan and I invite anyone to forward any info and news that could be incorporated here.
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