Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gary Peters' disregard for our Veterans - Salvation Army coming to the Rescue

Back in July, Gary Peters and his "new Dem" cohorts pretended to become our deficit hawks.  One of the many items Peters wanted to cut were 22 Million for disabled  Veteran's housing. Read below:

Peters and three other Dems got major heat for trying to cut more than $1 billion in spending that was added to the fiscal year 2011 budget because House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other Dem leaders had asked for deficit-reducing trims on the budget.

And all of the spending they were targeting wasn't requested by the White House; instead, it was spending added on at the request of Democrats during the appropriations process. According to The Hill, the cuts included "... $400 million for national infrastructure investment; $400 million for high speed rail development; $200 million in HOPE IV housing grants; and $22 million for housing assistance vouchers for disabled

From The Detroit News:
In contrast, the Salvation Army is now coming to the aid of homeless veterans by breaking ground in the spring to provide housing to homeless veterans. The need for transitional housing is on the rise and the Salvation Army is investing $ 10.2 Million in Clinton Twn and Detroit.
On  this Veterans Day, thank our current and past Military and thank the Salvation Army for caring and helping.  Gary Peters certainly didn't think much of our Vets.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the 'heads up' on the Salvation Army's role in helping our BEST..
