Monday, May 24, 2010


From a small town style newspaper, The Rochester Citizen, I recently learned that Gary Peters held a townhall style meeting with the OCP, the Old People Commission.  He apparently didn't get too warm of a reception when he continued to insist on his vote for the health care bill.  But that is old news about him.  The new lie really got to me when he introduced an agent for the Area Agency on Aging and ALL  the services they provide.

I happen to know the most passionate volunteer for that particular agency and I also know that this agency had their funding cut. Read the truth here

I, too, have been concerned about this issue, after all, someday we'll all be at that point in our lives and for the state to cut funding there is incomprehensible to me. Instead of Peters investigating this, and he even pointed out his aging parents, he just said all is ok.

This is the real story about the Area Agency for Aging
When is Gary Peters ever going to see and tell the truth about what is going on in Michigan.

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